Community Service

At Alamar, we take particular pride in our dedication to developing community services. We have established a wide variety of inclusive community activities, because we believe that one person’s dreams can help to change an entire community.

As a company with unlimited potential and capabilities, we want to continue to build our communities and develop our society in new and exciting ways.


Because we do things together

Environmental sustainability

Alamar is dedicated to playing a valuable role in protecting our environment. In 2019, we planted 10,000 trees all around the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to help increase environmental sustainability and develop forestation in different regions of the country.

Pizza for Good

Domino's ‘Pizza For Good’ is a hugely-successful community initiative running since 2019 across the Middle East. The programme ensures that donations from clients were matched and shared with those people most in need in our society. The initiative was a great success, thanks to the solidarity and cooperation of our trusted partners.

One Community

Alamar helped community initiatives during the Coronavirus pandemic by distributing an estimated 350,000 meals in Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with government departments including the Ministry of Human Resources and the Ministry of Health. At Alamar, we believe it is always our duty to help those in our society who are most in need of support.

Awards & Certificates

We’re proud that our work has been recognised by a number of significant industry

Manager of the year award

This award celebrates Alamar’s most successful manager, either at the regional or global level, who has achieved results that surpass excellence in customer service, team management and operations management.

Rookie manager of the year award

This award recognizes Alamar’s best new manager, who has achieved desired strategic results, and also had a positive personal impact on customer satisfaction and success in our stores.

Delivery Agent of the Year Award

This award is given to Alamar’s best delivery representative, who exceeded customer expectation, and also significantly contributed to our company’s ongoing success.

Gold Franny Award

This award is given to global and regional affiliates who have exceeded expectations and results in OER, AWUS, AWUS, and also contributed to significant in-store growth.

Supervisor of the Year Award

This award is given to the supervisor who best helped their team achieve remarkable results, including increased customer satisfaction and financial success.

Instructor of the Year Award

This award is given to the instructor who helped develop their team, and also significantly contributed to customer satisfaction in line with the ambitions of our operations management.

Best Franchise Award

This award is given to the best regional franchise that achieved significant success in supporting Alamar’s strategy, as well as contributing to creativity and innovation in global markets.

Latest News

To be the leading company in the food sector in the Middle East and northern Africa.